Apartment Code Violations About to Go Public

The San Francisco Department of Public Health recently unveiled Code for America, a health and safety history of every house and apartment in San Francisco. This uniform, machine-readable data format-authored by Rajiv Bhatia and Cyndy Comerford from the San Francisco Department of Public Health-will show the entire known history of building, everything from code violations… Read More

What You Should Know About Subletting

Inevitably, all landlords are going to one day face the situation of accepting a subtenant onto their property. Although all Lingsch Realty leases prohibit subletting apartments, under regulation 6.15A(d) of the San Francisco Rent Board code, a landlord may not refuse a tenant the right to replace roommates on a one-for-one basis every 12 months…. Read More

Landlord-Friendly Recommendations for November Ballot

In a tenant-friendly city such as San Francisco, it is extra important for landlords to come out in full force on election day in order to champion for laws that will help landlords become more effective, and will limit tenant-friendly legislation.  About 65% of San Francisco voters are tenants, so us landlords need all the… Read More

Scrupulous Tenant Background Checks Save Time and Money and Headaches

I’ll be the first to admit that leasing property isn’t rocket science, but it is people science.  I consider myself part private investigator, part sociologist, and part psychologist when I am considering a tenant for one of my clients. I recently read a San Francisco Chronicle article about a landlord’s nightmare eviction.  You may read… Read More


While I receive questions from my clients and potential clients about numerous issues each day, very frequently it seems like everyone has the same question.  Sometimes this is provoked by a news article or pending legislation; other times it seems like pure coincidence. The burning question the last couple weeks has been “what are the… Read More

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