Inevitably, all landlords are going to one day face the situation of accepting a subtenant onto their property. Although all Lingsch Realty leases prohibit subletting apartments, under regulation 6.15A(d) of the San Francisco Rent Board code, a landlord may not refuse a tenant the right to replace roommates on a one-for-one basis every 12 months…. Read More
San Francisco Mandates Seismic Retrofits for Soft Story Buildings
In 2010, San Francisco instituted a program that would require rental housing owners to seismically retrofit certain soft story buildings. Because the program is currently voluntary, the improvements are not being made. Therefore, legislation has been introduced to mandate retrofits. The proposed regulations would affect only wood-frame soft-story buildings built before 1978 that are at… Read More
Scrupulous Tenant Background Checks Save Time and Money and Headaches
I’ll be the first to admit that leasing property isn’t rocket science, but it is people science. I consider myself part private investigator, part sociologist, and part psychologist when I am considering a tenant for one of my clients. I recently read a San Francisco Chronicle article about a landlord’s nightmare eviction. You may read… Read More
Reduce Kitchen Stovetop Fire Risk
While I have not experienced an extreme emergency in the 10+ years I have been managing properties (knock on wood), the possibility and worry is constantly on my mind. Over the last couple weeks as I have began preparing an emergency preparedness plan for our office and each building we manage, as well as information… Read More
While I receive questions from my clients and potential clients about numerous issues each day, very frequently it seems like everyone has the same question. Sometimes this is provoked by a news article or pending legislation; other times it seems like pure coincidence. The burning question the last couple weeks has been “what are the… Read More
Are You Getting The Most Income From Your Properties? An Overview of Rent Board Passthroughs
Though the San Francisco Rent Ordinance tends to favor tenants by suppressing rents, there are ways to increase a tenant’s rent legally through Rent Board petitions. Capital Improvement Passthrough Operating And Maintenance Expense Increase Special Circumstances Increase Based on Rents for Comparable Units Rent Increase Based on the Past Rent History of a Proposition I… Read More
Investor’s Survival Guide
Daily challenges are inevitable for residential investment property managers–from the inconvenient clogged plumbing, to destructive tenants. Savvy, long-term investors know that the occasional challenges of being a landlord are far outweighed by the benefit of their investment. Below is some advice on how to handle or avoid the most common pitfalls of being a landlord…. Read More
San Francisco Rent Board Publishes Annual Rent Increase Amounts
Effective March 1, 2012 through February 28, 2013, the allowable annual increase amount is 1.9%. In accordance with Rules and Regulations Section 1.12, this amount is based on 60% of the percentage increase in the Consumer Price Index (CPI) for All Urban Consumers in the San Francisco-Oakland-San Jose region for the 12-month period ending October… Read More